Saturday, May 12, 2007

King of Everything

Today, people gathered to celebrate the little girl that likes to chase me. I sampled her throne and it clearly suits me better.

It wasn't his birthday, but Tiki assumed that he should at least sample the place of honor

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Snake Cat

A long time ago, the blonde lady came to my former home where it was hot and humid and catnapped me. She took me on a plane and brought me to a place where it is hot and dry. I was not happy about it for a long time. If she got near me, I hissed at her. She kept saying that i was a snake dressed up in a cat suit.

After a while, I forgot about the catnapping thing. But today, she insisted on bathing me. That brought back all of my hatred for her. The snake cat was reborn.

I don't really like that blonde lady.