Saturday, June 16, 2007

An Update on the Training of My Minion

Recently, I've suspected that my minion's loyalties may be fading.

Spidey's Lesser Known Sidekick

Accordingly, I gave him an endurance test. While whathisface was unloading the dishwasher, a cabinet was opened and a cutting board was placed inside. My minion could not resist the temptation and he followed the cutting board.

Stupid minion.

I closed the cabinet door and locked my minion inside. Despite my knowledge of his whereabouts, I acted as if nothing was wrong. He eventually had to scream so that whatshisface would let him out. That will teach him to consider betraying my leadership in the future.

1 comment:

Big Mama said...

I came across this blog via Flickr and I am totally in love with these cats!!! They are beautiful. Hope to see many more stories and pics.